Malicious Web Sites: how do you check them out?


New Member
I got an email from "Recruiter 1" Subject: URGENT! Tech Writer Position available.

I did not know the sender. I was not expecting the email. There was an attachment. The email was 188kb file, which seemed incredibly large for a job offer announcement.

I did not Preview the email, nor did I open it. I selected it and deleted it.

The sender was www.[name of company].com

My Question: how do I get info on www.[name of compnay].com, this web site and the company behind it...

...without going to it? It may be malicious, right? If I was tricked into visiting the site, it may attach spyware or worse to my system.

I did a Search Engine search, but the info under the company name [what do you call that field, the page title?] just said something like "great benefit packages for job positions" or whatever, pretty non-descript. Very fishy...or inept perhaps.

HOW does one check on web sites without visiting them? Is there a site that does this for you? I know about ARIN and What don't think that's what I need...unless I'm stupid about what services they provide.

Don't want to pay anything...just want free info on the site.