Making tests that show scores


lets say i wanted to make a test online then when u submit it it brins a diferent page that shows your score how would i make it?<!--content-->You wouldn't be able to make it with html unless you had a lot of pages with every possible result on.<br />
I wouldn't recommend this method though. For this you need to know how to create forms and how to write javascript, (or get someone who does).<br />
I'll have a quick stab if you like, I could probably manage to work something up by this time tomorrow.<!--content-->You would use the FORM element to create a "fill in form" that submits the information to some server side script that evaluates the data and then generates the reply. See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for the skinny on FORMs and talk to your server people to find out what kind of server side scripting is available.<br />
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If you did the scripting client side with JavaScript then it wouldn't work for the 13% of users that do not use JavaScript. And the languages that you more typically find on a server are much better suited to this sort of task. Using Perl with the module this would be way easy.<!--content-->If it's just a fun little test where he doesn't need to view the results, then he could make it multiple choice with either radio buttons of drop down boxes and no ssc would need to be involved.<!--content-->Originally posted by wildwobby <br />
when u submit it it brins a diferent page that shows your score He or she has requested the results in a new page. Serverside is better and easier.<!--content-->Just because he wants the results in a new page doesn't mean he has to use ssc because he could use the script that dave clark gave me for passing values from page to page, or he could even have the results in a pop-up window.<br />
Also ssc seems to be a bit too much hassle for just a test, because from what I've seen it's quite a funny script (by funny I mean complicated, at least to look at).<!--content-->The choice between client-side (JavaScript) and server-side implemention depends on few things:<br />
1. Accessibility requirements. As Charles mentioned, about 15% of your visitors do not have javascript enabled or can not use it due to some disability. If the quiz is just for entertainment and you can provide alternative content for such visitors then it may be acceptable to have javascript implementation.<br />
2. Interactivity. The big advantage of Javascript is the ability to make it fast and interactive. All functionality can be implemented on one page without the need to go back to the server.<br />
3. Server side capabilities. Some hosts do not support server side scripting so client side could be the only solution.<br />
4. Reporting capabilities and cheating protection. Client side implementation would be recommended for educational and entertainment quizes, since it would be hard to implement a reliable reporting capability and prevent knowledgable user from peeking at the correct answers. If you need an "exam" type system that allows to report each visitor score to you, server side implementation is a much better choice.<br />
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I would not say that one is easier than another as far as implementation itself goes. It depends more on the desired set of features and implementation approach.<br />
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That said, I am finishing a client-side quiz implementation that offers a number of features:<br />
1. Ease of script installation.<br />
2. Quiz creation is handled by a separate page that takes care of data file generation.<br />
3. Questions are presented sequentially in a preset or random order. Each question can have any number of answer choices and can contain more than one correct answer.<br />
4. Each answer choice can have an explanation, which is dispalyed once the question is graded.<br />
5. Questions can contain pictures.<br />
6. Quiz results are displayed upon script completion.<br />
7. Script is independent form HTML layout - all you need is to give certain ids to elements where you want things displayed. All styles are customizable with CSS.<br />
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The Quiz Biulder page can be found at:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (Builder requirements are IE5.5+ or latest Moz with JS enabled)<br />
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I'm still working on the documentation and demo pages, but the Builder page has the "Test" tab that will allow you to test the quiz you create. The data can be saved in a js file and edited later.<br />
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