Making site viewable worldwide


Hi,<br />
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I've had a couple of people who are in China say that they can't view my webpage. I was wondering if there's some type of code needed to make this possible? <br />
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Thank you for your time,<br />
Lisa<!--content-->I could say a lot about this but in short you need to use "META" tags. Do a search on them to learn more. Get listed in as many search engines as posible. Then be very patient and hope for the best.<br />
Most importantly, remember all nations don't speak the same language. They may see your pages but can't read them, and never will come back.<!--content-->Originally posted by gottasend <br />
I've had a couple of people who are in China say that they can't view my webpage. <br />
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Could you be more vague? :D<br />
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What browser are they using?<br />
Have you tested you own page with that browser?<br />
What happens exactly when they try to connect?<br />
How long have you had the site?<br />
Do they use a proxy?<br />
Do they ahve problems connectiong to other sites?<br />
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That is a few things you should check up on before any1 here is likely to be able to help you.<br />
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Also, an URL to your webpage is always a good thing.<!--content-->It is possible the Ch***se government have placed restrictions on various web sites entering the country, I am not saying anything else or I could get myself into deep water.<br />
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Unless you actually mean the text looks jumbled.<!--content-->