making quick links

I am a novice web site creator. I have developed two mental health websites for two charities here in England. I want to put "up to the minute" mental health news on the sites. I can search and select the news I want but I am looking for a fast way to make my hyper link code. I was wondering if anyone knew of a drag and drop type of wizard for making quick links. There are alot of html editors out there but I haven't found one that is really quick. I want to do the news feed but don't have alot of time. The easy and quicker the better. Any help/info appreciated. Rick<!--content-->Rick<br />
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I like Softquads Hotmetal Pro 6 for hyperlinks - there is a button to insert them on the toolbar, but this is the same for almost all editors. What do you use at the moment?<br />
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You can Download <!--more--> an evaluation version of Xmetal on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> this is hotmetals replacement - they've been bought out. <br />
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Even Frontpage (microsoft) has a decent hyperlink button - how unusual for Frontpage to be decent(!)<br />
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These are lots cheaper than Macromedia Studio - the real package for web design! Designing for charity this is probably what you want.<br />
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Dave<!--content-->I actually made my own personal html editor and it has a wizard and that has a link maker in its self but it is really for the whole nav bar not just one link. Likes themselves are not very hard to raw code though. Have you tried the basic site wizard that comes with microsoft word yet? Also coffe cup html editor is pretty nice.<!--content-->