Making my page look the same


I would like to know how you make your page look the same in any browser at any resolution.Is it css that I should use? <br />
Thanks for any help<!--content-->It is nearly impossible to do this.(What's the Cross Platform Layout forum for?:D)<!--content-->You could get your pages looking similar with careful coding and constantly checking different browsers but getting them identical...Good luck!!<!--content-->Well there is always a solution. This is simple. Buy all the browser manufactures, release a new version of all browsers using the same code, standards and only allow it to run on platforms that conform to the standards you want.<br />
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Easy. ;)<!--content-->To try and get pages to look very similar you would most likely use a JAVA script that first detects browser/resolution and then maybe CSS or other methods (redirection) to display pages that look very similar in most all browsers at most resolutions.<br />
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Regards,<br />