Making links clickable, showing scrollbars in every mobile browser


New Member
On my page kNAXq (remove the space in your browser, please don't replace the link here as I don't want google to link this page to my site.) when you click on the S in the MAP using your average pc/mac browser you get a popup with scrolling bars, which is intended. I do not see those borders on my android mobile phone's standard browser, though, what doesn't fit in is cut off there. What could be the cause?Also Routenplanung and Zur Karte are not clickable even though they are valid links:\[code\]<a href=",11.0773238&daddr=49.455856,11.074445&dirflg=w&hl=de">Routenplanung</a>\[/code\]and\[code\]<a style="a:link {text-decoration:underline;}" href="">Zur Karte</a>\[/code\]Why do they not work as intended?