New Member
I'd be glad if someone could kindly modify the following code so that GridView becomes click-able. The problem is that the code in question works perfectly in my Windows application under CellMouseClick Event of DataGridView but it doesn't work in the Web application since there's no such event therein. So, under what event can it be made click-able?\[code\] Try dr = Nothing Dim str As String str = GridView1.SelectedValue(0).Value cmd = New SqlCommand("Select* from ProgramDetails.Subjects where SubjectCode='" & str & "'", cn) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader While (dr.Read) txtIdNumber.Text = dr(0) txtSubjectCode.Text = dr(1) txtSubjectName.Text = dr(2) If dr(3) = "Core" Then rbnCore.Checked = True Else rbnElective.Checked = True End If txtUserId.Text = dr(4) txtPassword.Text = dr(5) End While dr.Close() btnSave.Enabled = False Catch ex As Exception End Try\[/code\]