Making an e-mail link...


Staff member
Hi All,<br />
I want the e-mail page to automatically pop up when someone clicks on a gif. Is this possible and how would I do this.<br />
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I'll say my thank yous now, as I know someone on the www will answer me. Thank you.<!--content-->Do you want to have a email form OR do you want the users default mail program to open?<!--content-->Hi Mark,<br />
at the moment i have a default program. I think?<br />
I am with aol.<!--content-->If you want the users default email program to open when they click on the gif you would use:<br />
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<a href=""><img src="image.gif"></a><!--content-->if the user has an email program, this will spawn it.<br />
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<a href=""><img src="somethingCOOL.gif"></a><!--content-->Beat you to it Doc! :D ;)<!--content-->Thank you Goldilocks and Dr.Web,<br />
what happens if the user does not have a e-mail programme? is there some way of allowing them to contact me by creating a e-mail link?<!--content-->It is unlikely they will be surfing the internet and not have an e-mail program of some sort. However, the other option is to create a form that they can fill in and post to you. This will involve some server-side programming, probably a perl script to handle the form submission. I think you can Download <!--more--> such things pretty easily from the internet but for more help on this, post to the Server-Side Programming forum.<!--content-->:D you could use a cgi sendmailer or similar, goto <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and search for one of these or use a bravenet hosted script.<br />
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What is Dr Web's avatar, is that red thing on the right a bike helmet and the other part someone's hand ???? :confused:<!--content-->It's Spiderman!!! :D<!--content-->Originally posted by Goldilocks <br />
It's Spiderman!!! :D <br />
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:D oh, Spidermonkey sounds better :D<!--content-->dang... with all the spiderman hype going on, and the new flick out early next year.....!!! Fitting to be called Dr. Web, and have the Spidey Avatar....<br />
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Goldi... great minds think alike! Cheers!<!--content-->Basically a form handler would do the work better and more efficiently. Remotely hosted ones like Freedback and Response-O-Matic will work without knowledge of CGI and you won't need a CGI-enabled server.<br />
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