Making a webpage look like Explorer


Hi,<br />
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Is it possible to make a webpage to look and work like Windows Explorer. I.E. Scrollable left pain with expanding folders, that display different items in the right pane.<br />
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I would especially like to be able to click the headers in the right pane and reorder any items listed.<br />
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I would not neccesarily want lists in the right pane, maybe just text. It depends on the choice made from the folders in the left pane.<br />
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TIA<!--content-->you can get it to look like it but not act like it. the left pane would be easy and the right as well. all you need is a frame with 2 columns and then find some javascript that will do what the filesystem does (eg. the plus and minus with it opneing and closing) then the right pane you can get an image to look like the details tabs but you can't have it order like you want unless you use serverside code and the info was coming froma database.<br />
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a little difficult but should be possible.<!--content-->OK, I'll start to look for the Javascript code and forget the right pane functionality.<br />
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I would be prepared to put the data into a db but it sounds unlikely that anybody would be willing to work on the project. All I can offer is encouragement but no coding skills.<br />
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Thanks for the reply.<!--content--><br />
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thats similar to what you want?<br />
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you could do it like him, take a bunch of screenshots.<!--content-->That link just takes me to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. />
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I'm really curious to see what it looks like.<br />
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ANyway, I have Download <!--more-->ed 5 Javascript tree menus and am playing with them as I type.<br />
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I'm sure any of them will be fine.<br />
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If anybody is interested I have attached what seems to be a good one. It's only 13Kb.<!--content-->