New Member
I solved a problem I was having and I thought the solution might help others. I needed to have a 3 column layout with fixed left and right columns and a flexible center. It needed to fill the space between the columns, no matter how it changed, so it couldn't be fixed. It's strange and doesn't seem like it'll work, but it's like magic. I modified what was put together here's a demo on my 3-column version\[code\]<div class="container"><div class="right">lkasjdfl;<br />kjasdf;<br />lkjas;<br />ldfkjdjf</div><div class="lineContainer"> <div class="left">lkasjdfl;<br />kjasdf;<br />ldfkja;<br />sldfjk;laksdjf</div> <div class="middle">lkasjdfl;<br />kjasdf;<br />lkjas;</div></div>\[/code\]?CSS\[code\].lineContainer { overflow: hidden; /* clear the float */ border: 1px solid #000}.lineContainer div { height: auto;} .left { width: 100px; float: left; border-right: 1px solid #000}.middle { margin-left: 100px; background: #ccc}.right { width: 100px; float: right; border: 1px solid #000}?\[/code\]Hope that helps people like it helped me. Enjoy!