My name is Jason, and I work for reunion.com. We would be very interested in paying you to help bring people together.
Reunion.com has helped over 35 million registered users find family members, classmates, forgotten friends, lost loves, old business contacts & so forth. Our tools have helped them, as well as the 40,000 daily added registered users, stay in touch!
Our flexible commission structure starts at $1.50/Lead and extends to $10/Sale. Built-in incentives, performance tiers and contests guarantee that your hard work will always be rewarded.
If you are interested in becoming an affiliate, please feel free to sign up at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://af.reunion.com/join.aspx">http://af.reunion.com/join.aspx</a><!-- m -->.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
My name is Jason, and I work for reunion.com. We would be very interested in paying you to help bring people together.
Reunion.com has helped over 35 million registered users find family members, classmates, forgotten friends, lost loves, old business contacts & so forth. Our tools have helped them, as well as the 40,000 daily added registered users, stay in touch!
Our flexible commission structure starts at $1.50/Lead and extends to $10/Sale. Built-in incentives, performance tiers and contests guarantee that your hard work will always be rewarded.
If you are interested in becoming an affiliate, please feel free to sign up at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://af.reunion.com/join.aspx">http://af.reunion.com/join.aspx</a><!-- m -->.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!