make extra links pop out beside main link


Hello Everyone,<br />
Could someone please tell me how to make links pop out beside the main link? Here is example of what I am talking about.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->It can be done with JavaScript.<!--content-->There are many pre-made JavaScripts that can be used as well, although I would strongly recommend against using javascript for links. Anyone with a browser that doesn't support javascript, or with javascript disabled won't be able to see any of those secondary links.<!--content--><!--content-->The answers above are of no help to me. As for the last answer, giving me a link written in a different language is BS.<br />
If anyone knows the answer to my question, I would greatly appreciate your reply!<!--content-->I guess you need to learn about web development technologies in order to comprehend the answers given here.... just like seeing 2 apples and then 2 more apples does not help a monkey in understanding math.... :rolleyes:<!--content-->Your best option is to use a CSS-based menu like this one (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) or the one Vladdy suggested - it complies with standards, it degrades gracefully if the users have an older browser and it doesn't require Javascript. If you insist on using JS, there are plenty here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->). Bear in mind your content _must_ be accessible with JS disabled.<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Yes I agree, I do need to learn about web development technologies and thats exactly what I am trying to do. It is alot easier to do when it is in english. btw Vladdy your last post does not make any more sense than the first one! Are you that rude or just that stupid!<BR><BR>Adam, Thanks for your reply, I will check those links out and try to find the answer there.<!--content-->Originally posted by unlimited <br />
Yes I agree, I do need to learn about web development technologies and thats exactly what I am trying to do. It is alot easier to do when it is in english. btw Vladdy your last post does not make any more sense than the first one! Are you that rude or just that stupid! <br />
unlimited,<br />
Ordinarily, I wouldn't comment on a dialog in a thread like this, but for some reason, today I decided to.<br />
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First of all, if you had bothered to look at the source code in your own example or Vladdy's, you would have seen the answer to your question. If you did look at it but didn't understand it, you are probably in over your head trying to accomplish what you want. Nothing wrong with trying to improve your skills, but sometimes we all can bite off more than we can chew.<br />
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Second, Vladdy's first post is in English.<br />
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Third, Vladdy is anything but stupid. Most of us here can learn a lot from him. As far as whether or not he is rude, well... let's just say that sometimes he can be blunt. ;) Stick around & I think you'll learn to appreciate what he has to say, if not his delivery.<!--content-->unlimited, the text in Vladdy's example is not meant to be descriptive of the solution. It's just random Latin text designers use to fill in text for layouts, to get an idea of what the finished product will look like. It's not meant to be read. If you want to know how his menu works, view the source of it.<br />
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If you want a more descriptive CSS dropdown menu, read this article: <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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The menu in that article is horizontal though, and I don't know if it can be made vertical instead (probably can).<!--content-->Hi Aronda, I did look at the source code in my own example and yes I did<br />
have a good bit of trouble understanding it.<br />
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After reading your post I have looked at the source code on the link that<br />
vladdy gave. That is exactly the type menu I would like to learn how to make.<br />
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Sence it is only the menu code there. Instead of the whole<br />
webpage like the one in my example. Thinking this might just work.<br />
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No nothing is over my head, That's why I call myself Unlimited.<br />
It is hard for me to give up on anything, so I will keep on <br />
chewing till I get it right...<br />
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Second- When I click on this link <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> I see a menu<br />
on the left. Then I see alot of words on the right that are NOT English.<br />
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Third- My Aploliges to you Vladdy for mistaking Bluntness for Rudeness.<br />
Cheers, thanks for the help. Keep on Keeping on....<br />
You are who you are.<br />
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Fourth- Tom thanks for the reply, that sure cleared things up for me!<!--content-->Love the attitude, but don't you have trouble finding a hat that fits?;) Just kidding.<br />
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I understand that the content of the page Vladdy linked to is Latin, but it's not the content that you asked for help with. Would it have made any difference if it was English nonsense instead of Latin nonsense?<br />
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Good luck on your mission. Let us know how it all shakes out.<!--content-->