make db but cant make tbl


Staff member
I have an install script that i am making that detects if the app has been configured if not allow user to specify host, user, password, new user, new password, new database name. Then the install goes off and inserts 'new user' and 'new password' into mysql.user. Then insert 'new database name' and limited privileges for 'new user'. Then create database 'new database name'. Then i need to start making pre-built tables into 'new database name'.
That is where it breaks down. it wont make the tables under the new db. I realized last nite (in the logs) that it seemed like it wasnt ? quiting ? the query of create db before starting to create tbl. So fine i gave a mysql_disconnect($connection) then a mysql_connect() before selecting 'new db name' and create tbl. But, now i have to quit in my log and they are both after my create tbl.
Any ideas ?