I created a web mobile that have a \[code\]toogle_visibility()\[/code\] function(Javascript). Now the problem is, it seems that Blackberry browser can't "read" Javascript code. Is there any way to make a \[code\]toogle_visibility()\[/code\](Javascript) in asp way?(including the top-down animation if possible, in other words as similiar as possible)
I use \[code\]ASP/C#\[/code\] languange to my web mobile. Thanks
Edit(Just to make my question clearer) : How to create a \[code\]toogle_visibility()\[/code\] without using Javascript?
This is my Javascript code which is working in regular browser(non-BB browser)\[code\]<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script><script type="text/javascript"> function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if($("#"+id).is(":hidden")) $("#"+id).slideDown(); else $("#"+id).slideUp(); }</script>\[/code\]
I use \[code\]ASP/C#\[/code\] languange to my web mobile. Thanks