Make a page reload not Refresh!


New Member

Thanks to all those who offered help on my last problem. Maybe you could help with this little puppy. :D

I have a page, which generates six frames, and each frame contains a randomly chosen page, fine, that works. However I want the page to update/refresh every five seconds. I have found that simply pressing F5 doesn't work, nothing changes, and it simply stays the same. But when I reload the page, i.e. navigate to the page it works?!?! I have looked on the message board to see if anyone was having the same problem, someone was and I found this code:

<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=5; reload(test.htm)>

This didn't work. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?

Heres the code I have so far:


<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=5; window.replace(test2.htm);>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=10; window.reload(test2.htm);>

<script type="text/JavaScript">
var count=6;
<!--***Function LoadFrames***-->
function loadFrames(){
"<frameset rows='50%,*'>"+
" <frameset cols='33%,33%,*' >"+
" <frame name='1' src='"+getPage()+"'>"+
" <frame name='2' src='"+getPage()+"'>"+
" <frame name='3' src='"+getPage()+"'>"+
" </frameset>"+
" <frameset cols='33%,33%,*' >"+
" <frame name='4' src='"+getPage()+"'>"+
" <frame name='5' src='"+getPage()+"'>"+
" <frame name='6' src='"+getPage()+"'>"+
" </frameset>"+

<!--***Function GetPage***-->

function getPage(){
return (parseInt((Math.random()*6)+1)+".htm");


Ps, ive also tried adding a simple counter, so that when the counter reaches zero, the page is refreshed/reloaded/updates. Still didn't work. I am not dismissing this method though, so this may be an alternative way? Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance
