Make a new Admin usergroup


New Member
I want to make a Usergroup higher than Admins,
So it goes
Mods, Smods, Admins, Founders.

How can i make it so Founders are higher than admins,
Cause right now Founders can't infract Admins, which means they are the same thing, with a different name.
In the config.php file, there's this:
    //    ****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ******
    //    The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions
    //    page, which controls the permissions of other administrators
$config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = 'ID_HERE;
Where it says "ID_HERE" change that to the founder usergroup ID. That's how I did it on my previous forum, or just rename the admin group to founder, and create a new group, and set the "Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator)" to yes, and set permissions. I could be wrong.