Make A Member Appear Online

Mr-Ice-Man said:
How can i make a member be online all the time.

I think you can use Cyb 'show users online in last X hours' to do this.

It's already on VBTeam.. have a look for it. :)
Mr-Ice-Man said:
Or can i set it so a certain member will show online from time to time
vBulletin Options > Forums Home Page Options.
Active Members Time Cut-Off to 0.
Enter a number of days here that represents a threshold for 'active' members. If a user has visited the board within the past number of days you specify, they are considered 'active'.

Enter '0' to treat all members as 'active'.
dark_hunter said:
vBulletin Options > Forums Home Page Options.
Active Members Time Cut-Off to 0.

That' doesn't make them show as 'Online'.

That's just to show it in this section:

Members: 222, Active Members: 218

@ Thread starter....

Like I said... install 'Cyb Visitors in last X hours'- I just checked for you, and it doesn't give you the option you need.

I don't know of any other mods/ hacks that do what you want but it doesn't mean there aren't any. :)
the only way I see it is you would have to have your self or a bot logged in online 24-7 to show that.
if you have a full time connection then log the bot in and open whos on line and leave it open as it refreshes every so often so it will never be off line from a time out of inactivity.