Make a code more user friendly


I made a code that has several text items that can be modified. I want it so someone can generate this code w/ the names, hometowns, states, ect using a form. here's the HTML code:<br />
<br />
<br />
<!--Dedicate Live Code Begin--!><br />
<table border=0 background="dedicateliveblank.bmp" width=464 height=158><tr><td></td><td height="34%" COLSPAN="2"><b><font size=4 face="arial"><br />
<!--Categories<br />
///Love,Hate,Secret Crush,Bite Me,$#*%@!,and Friends--!><br />
Friends<br />
</b></td><td><font size=4 face="arial">To: <!-!><br />
<!--Dedicatee: First Name and Last Initial--!><br />
Dedicatee X<br />
</td></tr><TR><td COLSPAN="4"><center><marquee width=355 scrollamount=7 SCROLLDELAY=1><font color="white" size=6 face="arial"><b>To: <!-!><br />
<!--Scrolling Dedication--!> <br />
<!--Dedicatee: First Name and Last Initial--!><br />
Dedicatee X<br />
<!--Dedicatee Hometown--!>, <!-!><br />
Seattle<br />
<!--Dedicatee State - 2 Chars(ex."OH" for Ohio)--!>, <br />
WA<br />
<!--Your Info--!> / From: <br />
<!--Your Name and Last Initial--!><br />
Sender X<br />
<!--Your Hometown--!>, <!-!><br />
Tampa<br />
<!--Your State - 2 Chars(ex."OH" for Ohio)--!>, <br />
FL<br />
<!--Dedication Text--!> / "<!-!><br />
Dedication Text<br />
<!--Dedication Text End--!>"<br />
</b></marquee><br />
</td></tr><br />
<tr><td width="10%"></td><td width="10%"></td><br />
<td width="40%"><font size=4 face="arial">From:<br />
<!--Your Name and Last Initial--> <br />
Sender X<br />
</td><br />
<td height="34%"></td><br />
</table><br />
<!--Dedicate Live Code End--!><!--content-->sorry, I have no idea what you are asking.<!--content-->I made a code that has several text items that can be modified. I want it so someone can generate this code w/ the names, hometowns, states, ect using a form. here's the HTML code: <br />
<br />
do you mean that someone clicks generate and it comes up with random information of something in your code?<br />
or something like that?<!--content-->