Major Issues With FORMS


Can someone please help me out a bit. I have looked long and hard and near and far and still am puzzled to this problem I am having. I have developed a form that works fine with Netscape 7 and IE 6 but is totally wacked in Netscape 4 and 5 (probably IE 4 and 5 as well since Microsoft only allows 1 IE browser on a pc at a time. Can someone please have a look at the following link and let me know where I went wrong....PLEASE Thanks!<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->for 1 there is no NS5, that is actually NS6 and supports more css than ns4. NS4 doesn't do half the css you are calling. never has and never will. I can't check NS4 at work so I have to go home to do that. I wouldn't really worry about NS4 if I were you.<br />
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another thing I noticed is that in your option tags you for the value. you need the value attrib so they actually send a value<!--content-->I meant NS6...I guess my brain is totally fried right now. And I know I need to implement the value fields but as you can tell this is an htm page....not an asp page. I have yet to create the database information yet so I am leaving the fields blank until I get to that part of the development. This is for a friend's company so I am in no rush to dive into database integration. I am just trying to figure out where I went wrong with the form creation to vary so greatly from ns7 and ns6. I am sure I have the same problem with ie5 but I do not know because I am not on a computer with ie5 installed on it.<!--content-->just as I thought. Ns4 doesn't do the css you are trying to imply. also you have javascritp errors in ns4.<br />
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obj has no properties.<br />
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NS6 displays it just fine. so does mozilla<!--content-->Thanks for the feedback. Actually I have fixed the issues with NS6. Apparently NS6 varies with how they display the Char Width field within the form area then NS7 and IE 6. Now I just need to figure out where I have an undefined area within NS4 because I have tested my revisions in all my browsers and have compatibility with all but NS4. Go figure! :( I tried the preload fix and the scrollbar fix for NS4 but nadda. Anyone have any suggestions? Or do I need to stock up on some Goody<!--content-->actually to fix ns4 you need to have form tags. NS is very strict on having the correct tags in place where they are suppose to be. if you forget them then it errors out.<br />
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I found this in your code<br />
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<form id="orderForm"></form><br />
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NS4 thinks the form is done since you closed it. just take the closing form tag off and it works. also add the closing form tag where it is suppose to be.<br />
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also I have some suggestions. you have alot of javascript and css defines, it is best to insert them into there own file and them call them externaly. you can combine all of the css together and all the javascript functions together so it is not calling many files. that will cut the page down by 50% and it looks better and less confusing. and also you call "formBodyBigger" a lot. why don't you just make that class conform to all table cells by just doing<br />
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td {<br />
font-family: Verdana, Arial, "Helvetica Inserat";<br />
font-size: 8px;<br />
font-weight: normal;<br />
color: #000000;<br />
}<br />
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than on the ones you don't want, which will be a lot less coding, just have a seperate class for those. that will also cut the size of the code down by a bunch, same with the table rows.<!--content-->I appreciate all of your help. Its monday and time to head off to the plant to do my real job so I will tackle this later tonight when I get home. Maybe this time I'll get to it after I take a shower Thanks for all your help. Although I couldn't find the closing form tag next to the opening tag because in my script it reads the opening tag on line 692 and its closing tag on line 1701. As far as the styl class....what can I say....I was as brindead as they come this weekend. I didnt even think about switching my hard coding with the new td tags I needed to add. What can I say...thats a plant worker for you.....ummmmm I dunno I just dig trenches for a livin.....heh Ya'll have fun and thanks for all the help.....please bring some web design jobs down to chattanooga so I can work in some a/c for a change....thank goodness its almost winter....heh<!--content-->yeah I see it is not where I said. mozilla must have added it there when I saved it.<br />
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but now I believe your problem is the css you are using. absoute positioning is not suppported in NS4 I don't believe. there might not be a lot you can do to get it to work in NS4.<!--content-->Hey I appreciate your help. I actually figured out where the problem in the css was so I now have a page working in ns4. I just have not uploaded it yet. Actually absolute positiong is supported in ns4. The problem was in utilizing the class attribute as a means of determing the css to be used. Instead I decided to use java script and then use the id attribute which is backward browser compatible. With the exception of them poor saps still on I need an upgrade to at least 4.0 something browsers....heh Thanks again for all the help. Time to get back to my wife before she divorces me and takes my minimum wage<!--content-->you are very welcome, anytime. :)<!--content-->