Maintaining color of link


You know how when you first load a page a link is one color, but then when you click on it the color changes.<br />
<br />
Is there any way to keep the link a particular color no matter how many times it was clicked?<!--content-->Use a font tag... If you're using a graphical editor, just highlight the text and specify a font colour. Make sure the font tag is inside the A tag.<br />
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You could also do this with css, but if you haven't got many links then this way is easiest<br />
<br />
dave<!--content-->The CSS ways include<br />
<br />
(after your title tag but in the head tag)<br />
<br />
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><br />
A {<br />
color: blue;<br />
}<br />
</STYLE> <br />
<br />
<br />
or... (more complex)<br />
<br />
<br />
<STYLE TYPE="text/css"><br />
A:link{<br />
text-decoration:none;<br />
font-weight:bold;<br />
color:#C00;<br />
background:#FFC;<br />
}<br />
<br />
A:visited{<br />
text-decoration:none;<br />
font-weight:bold;<br />
color:#C00;<br />
background:#FFC;<br />
}<br />
<br />
A:active{<br />
text-decoration:none;<br />
font-weight:bold;<br />
color:#C00;<br />
background:#FFC;<br />
}<br />
<br />
A:hover{<br />
text-decoration:none;<br />
color:#CCC;<br />
background:#FF0;<br />
}<br />
<br />
A.offsite{<br />
text-decoration:none;<br />
font-weight:normal;<br />
color:#C00;<br />
background:#FFC;<br />
}<br />
</STYLE> <br />
<br />
does this help?<br />
dave<!--content-->Hi Dave...<br />
<br />
what's offsite?<br />
(snuck a new one in on me. wink)<br />
<br />
Thanks...<br />
k<!--content-->Well ummm... confession is good for the soul and all that so... I'm not absolutely certain either, but i think it's if the link goes to a different web site, using a different window. I just copied it out of a W3 style sheet...<br />
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Dave<!--content-->a.offsite checks for links that will be on a different domain than your site. Basically, you could use it to let visitors know that they will be leaving your site by clicking the link.<!--content-->Well Dave... Sod is always waitin' around the corner, isn't he? (lol)<br />
<br />
Your honesty is admirable. Thanks (it sure beats gettin' the shine-on).<br />
<br />
Pyro... I'm so sick of your know everything BS (LOL!!!!!!!).<br />
Now go learn yourself some ASP and really become helpful! (wink).<br />
<br />
Never a dull moment around here.<br />
Thanks for keepin' it real guys!<br />
<br />
thinking that "offsite" is over-rated...<br />
k<!--content-->Originally posted by khaki <br />
Pyro... I'm so sick of your know everything BS (LOL!!!!!!!) :D You are too funny, Khaki...<!--content-->