mailto: without the spam?


Hi guys<br />
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Does anyone have a good way to put mail addresses on web pages in such a way that the agents of spam can't send their spiders out and read it?<br />
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I have considered using something like <br />
<br />
<script>document.write('<a href=""></a>'.replace(/_at_/g,'@'));</script><br />
<br />
<br />
but as many of you know, javascript may not be supported/enabled on some browsers and so that won't work.<br />
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Any other ideas?<!--content-->Have a read at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> :)<!--content-->This may work well for you:<br />
<br />
<a href="mailto:you&#064;your&#046;com">you&#064;your&#046;com</a><!--content-->Or you can use:<br />
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email at something dot com<!--content-->Not if you want to provide a link...<!--content-->This site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... bfuscator/</a><!-- m -->) will obfuscate (like pyro's reply) your addresses for you.<!--content-->Unfortunately, that method also uses javascript, causing a broken link for 13% of web users...<!--content-->