Mailto ***tion question


Hello every one. I am very new to the design of web pages and sites. The question I have is I would like to include my name in my mailto link. Is it as easy as mailto;NAME, subscriber@yourweb or is it more complcated than that.<br />
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Thank you in advance<!--content-->Do it like this and it should work with most email applications:<br />
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<form action="mailto:[email protected] (John Smith)" method="post"><br />
your form stuff here<br />
</form><!--content-->That worked thank you. I knew it was going to be simple I just could not find a ref. to it.;)<!--content-->:)<!--content-->Putting your email on a web page like that means that it will be harvested by automated robots that will read it and collect it to add to spam email lists.<br />
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You should hide the email address by breaking it up, using javascript to write it to the screen, and put all the code to do that in an external javascript file.<br />
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The scripts that just use codes for each letter of the email address are easy to break, and not worth using. Putting "nospam" in the middle of the email address is also not a good idea, as that is also easy to break, whilst inconveniencing all of the genuine visitors.<br />
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Alternatively set up an on-screen email form handled by a server-side script to send you email without revealing your actual email address to visitors. Scripts like that need to be heavily protected though, otherwise you could find spammers using your system as an open relay to send millions of junk emails aper day out to the rest of the world.<!--content-->hmmmm maybe that explains the viagra/breast enhancement/penis enlarger advertisements i get in my email. i think i'll take giz's advice and code it in javascript.<!--content-->The problem that I have at this point in time is that I do not know JS at all well enough to do what you are recommending. It does look like a good idea though. Is there somewhere that one can get a generic script that will do this.:confused:<!--content-->Stick this where you want the contact information to show up.<br />
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<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"><br />
<!--<br />
var addr1 = "mailto:"<br />
var addr2 = "yourname"<br />
var addr3 = "@"<br />
var addr4 = ""<br />
document.write('<A HREF="' + addr1 + addr2 + addr3 + addr4 + '">')<br />
document.write('Contact</a>')<br />
//--><br />
</SCRIPT><br />
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You can add an image to it by putting the image information in the second document.write sentence.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->That exact script is already used by millions of people so I expect that the email harvesters can already detect that one and decode it. That would give them a very large number of high quality email addresses. <br />
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Make the script external, break up the email address a bit more, and then maybe it might protect a bit.<!--content-->Thanks Peg and Giz<br />
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I think I am starting to see where you are going with this I will have to work with it and see what else I discover<!--content-->