Mailto bots


I understand that some people have these bots that basically scan websites looking for mailto's so they can get emails to send out spam. How can i stop this. is there anyway, is there a bot out there that will stop them from doing it or something, thanks<!--content-->Not that I know much but from experience if its your site, edit the html to have your email as hidden. secondly, if you post your email addy anywhere a simple thing to do is to write the word DOT in place of the actual .<br />
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anyone@yahooDOTcom<br />
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that stops so called bots<!--content-->ok, great, now how would i make somthing hidden in the html code. have no clue. anyone??<!--content-->Look here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=23641</a><!-- m --><!--content-->