Mailing List Woes...


Hello all!<br /><br />I'm here and posting under what seems to be my last straw Mad!!! <br /><br />I create websites, mostly for bands...and what does a band want the most? That's right, a cool mailing list program that will send "purty" (to quote one of my clients) emails. I had some success with some previous programs but I really wanted a MIME encoded email sent out to everyone, so I discovered PHPlist (much thanks to those who had suggestions from my <a href="" target="_blank">previous post</a> ), but I seem to be stuck on some issues. I think my main problem is that the PHP scripts have a "timeout" on the server of somewhere around 30 seconds, so only 10% of my list gets the message...then it all goes down hill! I've tried (and tried) to set up a cron job, but I don't really think I know what I'm doing (based on the emails still not going out!), would anyone know how to go about solving my dilema? Any ideas (or programs) that might be of interest. I really liked PHPlist because it is incredibley powerful...and easy enough for band people (a different breed really ) to use. I think I have also tried a CGI script, but also at a loss for knowledge of what I'm doing. As for me, I've kind of hacked my way into PHP, so I have a very basic understanding of what it is and how it works. I usually use scripts and just stare at the code...then it eventually makes sense. Very Matrix-esque on my part. Thanks again for anyone that can offer any advice!<br /><br />-Dave<!--content-->
I was going to suggest <a href="" target="_blank">Mojo Mail</a> but it looks like the site is down right now.. it has a html mail option.. so it might not have been what you wanted.<!--content-->
hey there, my approach to some scripts sounds very much the same! and I'm working a bit with bands these days.<br /><br />see my humble beginings at:<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />(works in progress)<br /><br />which leads me to a question, my php skills are basic and I want to change an area on the guestbook,<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />specifically the area under that date that reads, <br /><br />Thank you for stopping by my site. Here you can leave your mark.<br /><br />this has got to be easy but all of the apparent php includes have me stummped?<br /><br />any help is appreciated.<br /><br /><br />also, I'd like to add things like a mailing list but have only done this with simple php mailing info to a specified emial address - I'd like to know what you come up with if anything.<br /><br />what bands?<br /><br />dj<!--content-->
You can change some of the text displayed in the guestbook, <br />by editing the language file,<br />in my case the file <b>lang/english.php</b><br />contains the line:<br /><b>$LANG["BookMess6"] = "Thank you for stopping by my test guest book site. <BR><br />Here you can leave your mark if you like.";</b><br />for my <a href="" target="_blank">test guestbook</a><br /><br />there is more info in this <a href="" target="_blank">post on changing your guestbook</a><!--content-->
perfect, thanks tch-Don!<!--content-->
Ah..beat me to it. If you still can't find it, it's always good to do a " find" in your code for that exact line. That should locate it right away. So on to my problems still...any easy way to send out a whole bunch emails from our webmail programs (horde, etc)? I think I tried pasting all of them into the BCC way...but it doesn't seem to have gone out? Ugh, mailing lists <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Been looking for Mojo Mail for a while but the site has been down as bluesguy posted a few posts up, I found a download for it if you are still looking for a great mailing list script.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--content-->
mojo has that feature built in<!--content-->
Hey man,<br /><br />Thanks again for the info, but I'm stumbling on the install of this thing. I've installed tons of scripts, and I can't quite seem to figure this one out! I've changed all of the variables to the correct paths (and re-changed them incase they were wrong), changed the mode of the cgi files, and uploaded everything to the cgi-bin on the server, but can't seem to get over the "500 eror"...any tricks to setting this Mojo up? It sounds great, but the whole "can't get it instaled" thing is killing me! <br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />ps: I've searched the mojohelp website as well with no luck..<!--content-->
did you upload everything in ascii?<!--content-->
Yeah, I actually double checked that last night as is what I have done so far:<br /><br />1)Uploaded all the files from the "mojo" folder (ASCII) into my /cgi-bin directory (still within the folder)<br /><br />2) changed the variables in the to reflect my new password, location of files, sendmail location (which I know is usr/sbin/sendmail), and my folder where my list information is stored<br /><br />3) Changed permission of mojo.cgi to 755, and then pointed my browser to the file (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br /><br />Am I completely missing something? Do I need to retreive the page a special way because it's in my cgi-bin? Just checking, this is the first cgi program I've ever installed, but like I said I've installed hundreds of other scripts and done absolutely fine! Thanks again Mike for all the help.<!--content-->
You must have a folder out of your "public_html", something like "mojo_files". This folder must have write permission. In the file, set the variable $FILES to something like:<br /><br />$FILES = '/home/your_user_at_tch/mojo_files';<!--content-->
<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->(<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />if you kept the structure intact there is a folder in your cgi-bin called mojo, so your path should be <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />and Anny is correct, you have to have a folder outside your punlic_html for archives<!--content-->
heres whats in my<br /><br />$MOJO_ROOT_PASSWORD = 'mypassword';<br /><br />$FILES = '/home/myusername/mojo';<br /><br />$MAILPROG = '/usr/lib/sendmail'; <br /><br />$MOJO_URL ='';<br /><br />inside my cgi-bin i have the folders extensions,extras,MOJO,plugins and the file mojo.cgi<!--content-->
Just to let you know:<br /><br />"Justin Simoni announced today the immediate release of Dada Mail, (formerly Mojo Mail). Justin states, 'I have had to change the name of my celebrated program due to legal issues with Mediaplex Inc. which holds the trademark for MOJO Mail.'"<br /><br />There is a new version (2.8.10) to download:<br /><br />The website was totally redesigned too.<!--content-->
Hmm...I'll give 'er a whirl in a little bit....thanks for all the help guys!<br /><br />-Dave<!--content-->
Hey hey hey...alright now. I think I had a corrupted version during download. I also downloaded the "new" version of it and it seems to be working great...I think I found the answer to all my curses...I mean prayers <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> Thanks again everyone for the help!<br /><br /> Rock Sign<!--content-->