Mailing List Question


I have been experimenting with a mailing list from the control panel and have found that when I send an email to the list from a valid email address that is included on the list that the list doesn't seem to send out messages to the list. I am sure there must be some little something that I am omitting here. ??<br /><br />Any help for this mailing list newb? Any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?<br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />Aud<!--content-->
Moving to a better forum where someone may have some ideas for you.<!--content-->
Auder, I'm afraid I can't help you much, because I haven't used mailing lists from the admin side at all.<br /><br />I'm sure someone will be able to help you out but in case no one knows how to solve your problem, submit a help desk ticket and let the tech staff take a look into the problem.<!--content-->
Hard to say without actually looking at your setup, but do you have the permissions set correctly? I know there's a choice where the admin has to approve all e-mails before they'll go through, even from subscribed addresses.<br /><br />I'll take a look at my lists to see what else I can find.<!--content-->
Thanks Raul. I will wait a while and see if someone may have some feedback and if not I will submit a help ticket.<br /><br />The problem with the mailing lists is simply that they aren't mailing! If someone has a functional mailing list that is working I would love to hear from you just to know that the program as provided in the CP is actually capable of working. <br /><br />My guess is that it is user error.... <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />I just need someone to point out the error...<!--content-->
Thanks for your response bellringr. I have gone through the many settings and looked diligently for anything that might hold up the works and haven't found anything yet. I do know that the messages that are being sent are getting to the list. I can see them in the archives. They just aren't being broadcast out to the various addresses. It's like the engine is running but it's just not in gear! <br /><br />Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.<br /><br />Auder<!--content-->
You can check the following:<br /><br />1. Make sure you have single e-mails set up rather than the posts going out as a digest.<br /><br />2. Make sure emergency moderation is not chosen (all e-mails would be held for approval if so)<br /><br />3. Check what you have set for the maximum length in KB. If you exceeded it, the e-mail probably wouldn't go through.<br /><br />That's about all I can see that would prevent an e-mail going through besides the address not being subscribed in the first place. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />Let me know if none of these help and I can try to troubleshoot further. <br /><br />Kristi<!--content-->
Hi Kristi - The "regular" and "plain" modes are set as defaults, not the "digest". The "Emergency moderation of all list traffic" is set to NO. The max k is 40 which I think is more than enough for the teensy emails that are being used to test things. These were all good ideas. I really thought that the digest was the problem and was surprised to see it turned would have made sense due to the messages being archived but not emailed out. Oh well. <br /><br />Do you have a working mailing list with this software? I tried starting mailing lists on a couple of other sites I have here and they all do the same thing. Frustrating.<br /><br />A<!--content-->
I was wondering about the mailing lists ability to email and asked it to send me a reminder of my password. It claimed that it emailed it to me but I received no email. It's as if the program is functioning but has no ability to send mail. Is there a setting somewhere that might be affecting this? Maybe it's time to send a help ticket. <br /><br />I would be very curious to hear from anyone willing to try and start a mailing list from their site to see if they get similar results. Thanks.<br /><br />Auder<!--content-->
That is very strange. I have set up two mailing lists and they've both worked fine. I wonder if it has something to do with your account and not the list? I think a help ticket would be a good idea at this point.<br /><br />Sorry I wasn't able to be more help. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /><!--content-->
Hi Kristi - You helped a great deal! Many thanks.<br /><br />Turns out my support ticket got a quick response and tech support says there is a glitch. Here's what they said: <br /><br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The recent release of mailman updates from cpanel has hit a bug and the fix hasnt been released yet. Please give it sometime and the issue will be fixed as soon as possible.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />So now I can wait instead of fret and diligently look through config files. Thumbs Up <br /><br />I like waiting better.<!--content-->