Here is the code I am trying to use to send an email message from a web form<BR> <BR> Dim mailMessage As New Mail.MailMessage()<BR><BR> mailMessage.From = "[email protected]"<BR> mailMessage.To = "[email protected]"<BR> mailMessage.Subject = "test message"<BR> mailMessage.Body = "test message body"<BR> Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""<BR> Mail.SmtpMail.Send(mailMessage)<BR><BR>I keep getting the error - The "SendUsing" configuration value is invalid <BR><BR>I'm new to this so I'm not sure if I need to configure anything. I have the SMTP service on my local machine and it's running (I don't know if that matters or not). This local machine is not used as a mail server though. There is a network mail server elsewhere in the building. I tried to enter that servers name for SmtpMAil.SmtpServer but got the error - The transport failed to connect to the server.<BR><BR>Now I have no idea what to try. <BR><BR>Thanks for any help!Hi <BR>I got the solution ... but not for localhost coz no **** author discusses it<BR>I tried with my Company SMTP server<BR><% @Page debug=True %><BR><% @Import Namespace="System.Web.Mail" %><BR><%<BR>Dim mailer As System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail<BR><BR>Dim msg As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage()<BR><BR>msg.BodyFormat = Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html<BR><BR>msg.To = "[email protected]"<BR><BR>msg.From = "[email protected]"<BR><BR>msg.Body = "<b>This is Test Mail Using ASP.NET ...... Dhiraj</b>"<BR><BR>msg.Subject = "Test mail using ASP.NET"<BR><BR>mailer.SmtpServer = "" //use Smtp Server IP address if u knwo any enter here<BR><BR>mailer.Send(msg)<BR>lblsuccess.Text="Message Sent"<BR>%><BR><HTML><BR><BODY><BR><FORM RUNAT=server><BR><asp:Label id=lblsuccess runat=server /><BR></form><BR></BODY><BR></HTML><BR><BR>localhost sux and books also<BR>DhirajYou need to set <BR>SmtpServer = "localhost" or the IP of your machine.I just tried setting the SmtpServer to "localhost" and tried again by setting it to my ip address. Both times I got the error - <BR><BR>The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected] <BR><BR>Do I need to configure something in computer management under Default SMTP Virtual? I've looked at all the options for SMtpMail class and don't see anything else I can do there. <BR><BR>My server is on a different domain than our company mail server if that makes any difference.You have to setup up relay rights. Go the IIS controller and right click on the SMTP Server, access tab, click on relay restrictions. Then grant your IP access to relay. I am on XP so this might be a little different for other system. <BR><BR>hth,<BR>JamesI may be getting closer, not sure. I'm running win XP as well. I brought up the relay restrictions box and entered my ip address. Just to be safe, I restarted the smtp service. Still got the error - The server response was: 550 5.7.1 Unable to <BR>relay<BR><BR>I then added the ip address of our mail server and tried. Still same thing. As a last resort, I unchecked the box saying "Allow all computers which succussfully authenticate to relay,..." and tried again. Same error.<BR><BR>At this point, i'm almost sure it's some conifguration thing, jsut can't find what. <BR>That is odd. You are using your local smtp server to send mail right? Try the IP address instead of localhost(even though I have localhost working). Try letting everything relay and see if it works.(Make sure you remove your ip from the list)Well i have overcome with SendUsing Configuration with<BR>my send method is executing successfully.........<BR>but havent got mail yet lol<BR>i found mail delivery is slow ?thn traditional ASP pages<BR>is tht so<BR>Dhiraj