Magento - add image on checkout page


New Member
I want to add an image to the right block of the checkout page.This block is refreshed with a Ajax routine so I can't simply add image to the template.I am trying to insert it into local.xml file, but it does not show up on page. Is this correct systax?\[code\]<checkout_onepage_index> <reference name="right"> <block type="core/template" name="credit_card_logo" after="checkout.progress.wrapper"> <action method="setImgSrc"><src>images/mylogo.gif</src></action> </block> </reference></checkout_onepage_index>\[/code\]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%a few minutes later... tihs was getting too complicated, so I used a CMS block instead...\[code\]<checkout_onepage_index> <reference name="right"> <block type="cms/block" name="cms_content"> <action method="setBlockId"><block_id>my_message_block</block_id> </action> </block> </reference></checkout_onepage_index>\[/code\]