

I don't expect different platforms to process the information the same way, but what the hell.<br />
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I create a site on a PC, it worked fine. Then tested it out on my Mac, and oh boy the troubles.<br />
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Alignment, justification, borders, you name it.<br />
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Anyways, worked through it, and I clear almost everything up.<br />
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Only thing left are blue borders around href button at the top, usually found in os9. The funny thing is I have 2 set of href button and it is only the one set at the top that gets the blue borders. Even thought they have basically the same code, top and bottom sets, with border=0. Also the images on either side of the buttons at the top, have black borders around them??? I have not idea why.<br />
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And in osX, there does not seem to have any problem with the buttons, but around the banner, there is a blue border around the flash banner.<br />
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I am at my wits end. If any MAC users out there wish to see for themselves here is the link.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Check it out and report back what you find, and if you can suggest how to fix it that would be great.<br />
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Like I said, PC, either IE or Netscape it works fine, it is Mac's that are giving me a problem.<br />
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If you don't have a Mac but can suggest what is going on I would appreciate your advice as well. Anything at this point would be great.<br />
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Thanks<!--content-->ahh...yes....borders....<br />
ive had my own share of border troubles in the past, so i turned to css for help.<br />
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try this:<br />
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<img src="img1.jpg" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 0px; border-color: #your_bgcolor"><br />
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here, we must always declare the border-style before any other of the border properties. then, we use border-width, not border, for border alone seems to be sadly unreliable. and finally, just in case, we should set the border color to the background color of your page so that if any of the previous attributes fail, we have a backup thatll pretty much just "cover-up" the mistakes.<br />
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hope this works, and btw, i have ie 5.5, so im not sure of its compatibility with Mac<br />
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good luck!<!--content-->Thanks, but I don't want borders, so wouldn't I put color as none or 0 as well as border-width<br />
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But thanks thought, I am already using a CSS file so this will be easy to impliment.<br />
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Hope it resolves my issues with Mac's<!--content-->It works!!!:) :) :) :) :) !!!<br />
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It actually looks better on Mac, than the PC now.<!--content-->