mac - pc html help


i'm making a web page for a contest... and i want to have my html work on all computers so that i don't get disqualified... don't worry about the professionalism, it's only for a school project<br />
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here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)<br />
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but i found that it had problems when i opened it up on a mac computer... is there a better way anyone could suggest that i have my layout or have my html? sorry if the html is messy, it's still in the developing stages<br />
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any help or comments would be greatly appreciated... thanks<!--content-->The W3C validator (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) is a good place to start.<!--content-->I cant see a prob ...<br />
using Mac 10.2 and IE 5.2<!--content-->Looks the same as IE for win, OPera7 and NS7<!--content-->yeah i fixed up some of the code... thanks everyone for the help<!--content-->