Mac Hell


Anyone know any way to change the color of a scroll bar so it works on a mac... I have the reg code for pc and the works fine...but it shows up that God awful blue on a mac<!--content-->Changing the scrollbar properties is browser specific code, specifically for Internet Exploiter only, on PC only.<!--content-->ok thanks....there has to be some way.....<!--content-->Peg said in an earlier thread that custom scroll bars didn't work on any browser on a mac.<!--content-->and the only way that you could put a colored scroll bar in, say, mozilla would to be make the page in flash or create some kind of javascript scroll bar.<!--content-->Scrollbar colours cannot be changed for any Mac and they cannot be changed for any PC that uses Mozilla, Opera, Konqueror or any browser other than IE. Even creating a Flash or Javascript scrollbar is not going to change the colours of my browser's scrollbars.<br />
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And, for the record, my scrollbars aren't blue. They're bronze. So that 'godawful blue', as you put it, isn't the fault of the browser, but of the person who set the preferences for it.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->What i meant by flash is make the whole site in it and change it to scroll and make a scroll bar. It doen't change the browser's scroll bar. I do'nt have that blue either, it's grey, not that bad.<!--content-->Hmmm... I dunno, Josh. A Flash site can be a real headache for those who don't have highspeed or cable access. And I've had Flash sites crash my browser if they're not done properly or are too large. And, too, Flash requires a plug-in that may not be available for some browsers. You'd lose some of your audience that way, I think. <br />
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The only other way around the scrollbars problem is to have a site that doesn't require scrollbars - where each page is short. <sigh> But that's not necessarily practical, is it?<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Yah i know, but that's the only way I could think of that would allow you to have different scroll bars. I know I couldn't make a flash site. <br />
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a short page is deffinitely not practical for most sites, unless you use iframes...but that then brings up the problem of the scrollbars!<!--content-->All good input thanks...<br />
thing is its a flash would be out of the question i think...this only the html version , I am way more comfortable building sites in flash...I think I'll ditch the blog and just use a flash scroll...thanks everyone<!--content-->whats the big deal with having a colored scrollbar?<br />
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just leave it.<!--content-->For the record Opera is now suppoting style changes to the scroll bar.<br />
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It seems to only work as an inline style at the moment though. Only time before others jump on board.<!--content-->Don't forget that search engines cannot spider or index any Flash sites, so your web page will drop off the edge of the world in search engine listings.<!--content-->uh oh greg! Your sig is too big! :D :D I've used that tutorial you used quite a few times greg. I've modified it a little each time... I think you should change it to make it more bright in hue/saturation.<br />
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I wasn't really suggesting you make a flash site. That was just a solution I could think of off the top of my head.<!--content-->400x100 is too big...? hmmmm<br />
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i didnt use a tutorial to make this.<br />
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i was just applying a bunch of random filters and thats what happened ;)<!--content-->yep, 80x350 is the most you can have.<!--content-->well the way its gonna be set is an index with flash/html choice so search engines shouldnt be a prob<!--content-->