I'm a pretty new designer. I made a page for my dad's business, and its got a terrible rank. How can I get it up?linkIt's a small remodeling business...PP which I believe was a system developed by google is based on the links your site has. This links should be quality links, links coming from sites similar to your sites content and has good PR. You can increase our links in many ways. i think i have browsed a forum here that listed how you get your links.These are the few that i can recall... submission of article, submission to directories, SEO you can also make testimonies of related products to ge baklinks. Advertise, i think it ads.Also remember that page rank will not show up until Google decides to do an updateI think to get good ranking first you must get quality backlinks which you can get by submitting your site to directories, search engines or by advertisement.Submitting articles is also one the best way.Submitting your sites rss feed or blog to directories.Needs SEO to be done on your website.Only good design of website does not bring the website up or make it popular, there should be good and unique content. Google like unique content.I think by doing all these things you will must get satisfied results.I would like to suggest you some seo companies which provide good seo service with an affordable rate and quality service :-http://www.dncinfotech.com/PuneetSo to get my page ranking higher, I have to submit my sites to other sites such as about.com?there are other directory sites where you can submit your site. There's a forum here that lists them. Also i've read that google also checks the sites quality content and this affects the PR.Will the fact that its a mambo site effect the PR? (What is PR?)PR means Pagerank.Ranking given by Google to a website page by its quality, services, popularity and importance of the website in short.Regards/Puneet M.