Lots of ASP+ and VS.net Information Resources


New Member
I&#039ve been keeping a list of all the ASP+ and VS.net resources that I&#039ve found on the Internet. Here&#039s where I&#039m keeping the list:<BR><BR><BR><BR>Here is the current instantiation of that list:<BR><BR>Page of ".net" links and information<BR><BR>These are all the resources I know about so far for Microsoft&#039s Visual Studio.net family of technologies (includes ASP+, VB.net, VS.net, VC++.net, C#, SOAP, Web Services, etc.). These include ALL the links I&#039ve seen bandied around so far, not just DevX/Fawcette ones. I can&#039t say it&#039s comprehensive (I get a new resource every hour or so) but this is a good starting point. Hope they are useful to you. Please feel free to send new resources to [email protected] and I&#039ll add them to this list.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>.NET NEWSGROUPS/DISCUSSION FORUMS<BR><BR>news://news.devx.com/csharp.general Web page versions: http://news.devx.com/ DevX&#039s newsgroup for discussing C#.<BR>news://news.devx.com/vb.vb7 Web page versions: http://news.devx.com/ DevX&#039s newsgroup for discussing Visual Basic.net and Visual Studio.net.<BR>news://news.devx.com/web.asp.plus Web page versions: http://news.devx.com/ DevX&#039s newsgroup for discussing ASP+.<BR>http://codeguru.earthweb.com/bbs/wt/wwwthreads.pl?action=list&Board=CSharp Code Guru&#039s discussion forum for C#.<BR>http://www.aspmessageboard.com/forum/aspplus.asp 4GuysfromRolla&#039s ASP+ discussion forum.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>.NET MAILING LISTS<BR><BR>http://www.asplists.com/asplists/aspng.asp Curious about ASP+? Join this. (Good, Microsoft programmers are participating regularly)<BR>http://www.asplists.com/asplists/aspngbeta.asp Do you have the ASP+ beta and have questions? Join this. (Good, Microsoft programmers are participating regularly)<BR>http://discuss.develop.com/ Developmentor&#039s DotNet mailing list (among others). (Good, Microsoft programmers are participating regularly)<BR>http://p2p.wrox.com/scripts/lyris.pl?enter=aspx Wrox&#039s ASP+ mailing list.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>.NET SAMPLES<BR><BR> (Microsoft&#039s ASP+ Quickstart page -- is running slow sometimes, keep trying).<BR>http://www.ibuyspy.com/ Vertigo Software and Microsoft&#039s sample site with source code.<BR>http://beta.search.microsoft.com is running on ASP+ and using C# in the logic objects.<BR>http://www.sfdata.ne.jp/windev/vb-free2/htdocs/20000719/29048.html Japanese rewrite of Microsoft code, it looks like.<BR>http://www.fmexpense.com The .NET version of Fitch and Mather Expense Reporting Sample app.<BR>http://www.vistatravel.net/ Sample application from Clarity Consulting that was demonstrated at the PDC.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>.NET TRAINING AND CONFERENCES<BR><BR>http://www.vslive.com Independent conference that will tackle ".net" topics. Actually three conferences in one week in one huge conference center in Orlando. (VBITS, VCDC, SQL2TheMax) September 19-23, 2000. (Has an entire day on ".net" technologies -- all given by Microsoft developers). Has the best programmers and trainers from DevelopMentor, Wintellect, Vertigo, Microsoft, and VCDJ, VBPJ, XML, Enterprise Development, and MSDN magazines).<BR>http://www.butrain.com/windev/west/default.htm Independent conference that will tackle ".net" topics. Run by Boston University and DevelopMentor.<BR>http://www.aspworkshops.com/ Steven Walther&#039s ASP+ training classes.<BR>http://www.wintellect.com Wintellect&#039s ".net" training classes.<BR>http://www.develop.com Developmentor&#039s training classes.<BR>http://www.vsconnections.com/ Conference for VS programmers.<BR>http://www.wroxconferences.com/ConferenceHome.asp?ConfID=10 Conference for ASP Web developers that will cover .net technologies.<BR>http://www.tools-conferences.com/usa Conference has .net sessions.<BR>http://www.winsummit.ch/Start.asp WinSummit is a .net conference in Europe.<BR><BR> <BR><BR>INDEPENDENT RESOURCES on all things ".net"<BR><BR>http://www.devx.com/upload/free/features/vbpj/2000/08aug00/ts0008/ts0008.asp (VBPJ&#039s Special Coverage of Visual Studio.NET).<BR><BR>http://www.vb-zone.com/vb7/ DevX.com and VB-ZONE&#039s VB.net Portal (lots of links to other things covered partly below).<BR><BR>http://www.devx.com/free/press/2000/071400.asp Pundits Ponder PDC Pronouncements. Audio and Video of several FTP/DevX pundits giving their thoughts on the PDC and Visual Studio.net.<BR><BR>http://www.devx.com/free/press/2000/071200-1.asp .NET Revealed