Looking for web site idea


I've shut down my 2 other web sites and am now looking to make another one, if anybody has any ideas for a subject for this site, please tell me. I was gonna do a webmaster resources site, but there seem to be tons of them already. anyways, thanks for your help.<!--content-->i know what i am going to say sounds a bit vague and cliched but...<br />
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i think that the site will only be successful if its subject is something you are interested and knowledgeable and passionate about.<br />
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so you should start by looking at your interests and what you would like to see more sites on the web about. maybe one of your interests is quite unusual and rarely covered in websites. if you can bring your knowledge about that online and establish yourself as a good primary souce of information, your site will be very successful as like minded people will often be searching for such sites and find you. <br />
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it is also very easy to have your site listed highly in the search engines if it covers something unusual.<br />
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i know i haven't been much help but this would be my starting point!<!--content-->Like Jalouda said, it has to be a subject which interests you, but it also has to be a subject that interests most websurfers. It has to be interesting enough to get them to your site and keep them coming back.<br />
You were right not to set-up a webmaster resource site, as there are tons of them already (the best being 123webmaster :D) so, again like Jalouda said, choose something unique.<br />
Hope that helps!<br />
Al you need to do is think about what interests you!<!--content-->How about a doggy picture site.<br />
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You could post pictures of dogs and little cute puppies with speech bubbles coming out of their mouths saying something like 'i feel greeeeeeaaaaat'<br />
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try and see if <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dogsandcutelittlepuppieswithspeechbubblescomingoutoftheirmouths.com">http://www.dogsandcutelittlepuppieswith ... mouths.com</a><!-- m --><br />
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is still available.<br />
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Id hurry though as someone will snatch it up.<br />
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Long live the tiger.<!--content-->heh thanks for your help guys, yeah I know it should be something that interests me, the problem is, the thing that interests me the most is web design : \ I guess i'll just keep thinkin.<!--content-->Hey, what do you guys think about me making a site for installing cgi scripts, either for real cheap (like $10) or even for free? I'm good at cgi...but are too many people doing this already? I just searched for it, and it looks like lots of people are charging $35+ an hour. and i wouldnt charge that much. Anyways, tell me what you think about this idea.<!--content-->Hey that is a great idea! (Or so I think)<br />
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True, there are quite a lot of people offering cgi and perl services, but if you can charge less than $10, then I'm sure you'll get lots of business.<br />
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So I think it is a very good idea, providing that you've got the necessary experience and knowledge.<br />
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[Edited by Dave Swift on 03-04-2001 at 03:10 PM]<!--content-->I have pretty good knowledge of CGI and it's not like im making a living off this so I can have very low prices. Thanks for the encouragement!<!--content-->Hi :)<br />
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I agree with the rest, you need to find a niche for your site to be successful. If you go ahead with the idea of setting up a cgi site with cheap installation, I might be one of those who might use you and even recommend it to some friends. ;) I'm ok with html but totally new to cgi :( No time to learn it yet :p<!--content-->Since you really dig design........Why don't you have a site which rates websites according to design? Give awards out for great/ trash designs. Those sites are fun to see, fun to work on, and good info for everyone. I know of one...<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.coolhomepages.com">http://www.coolhomepages.com</a><!-- m --><br />
but I don't believe that there are a lot of them. Besides...you put up a site like that, and people will come to YOU to get their pages some free advertisement.<br />
I'd be interested in working on that along with you if you decide that its your thing.<!--content-->There are alot of site that tell you what to do and how to do it but ... <br />
Why don't you make a site that tells people what NOT to do on their sites. I have found one site that is like that, but we could use more. That site can be found at<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/mainpage.html">http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/mainpage.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Let me know if you do that<!--content-->