Looking for Plesk and Windows 2003 Server Hardening and Mana


New Member
Greetings, I run a small webhosting company.

I've been managing my windows server for about 2 years, and i'm soon moving to a new fresh server with plesk 8.3 and windows 2003, since i'm not a windows 2003 expert i'm looking for server hardening for my new windows server, I'm very concerned about security now since we got some minor security issues last year that we would like to avoid, mostly I want to be 100% sure that the server is secure.

was wondering which was the best company to do the windows 2003 server security for plesk, most of the offerings i see are for linux servers.

if they offer monitoring, montly tests and patch services at a reasonable price would also consider delegating the server management for now to focus on the business side of my company.

Thanks in Advance for your suggestions

-AndresIf you know how to configure windows firewall that will be sufficient, Make sure you keep the stable version of windows and do not perform and plesk upgrades or hotfixed that will create lof of troubles. IIS settings are usual and you can a little more googling for IIS.You can get in touch with Rubal [Rubal @ Rubal . NET] and he'll assist you in securing your server. - RickI find this site very useful regularly: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iis.net/">http://www.iis.net/</a><!-- m -->