Looking for help adjusting "Forumhome"


New Member
I currently have 3.7.1

I installed zenons: Forums arranged in columns on forumhome link here
Custom Forum Status Icons link here

My site's been running fine and everything looks great but my forumhome only spans correctly on a 19" or bigger display. Anything smaller will automatically add a vertical scroll bar. I don't want the scrolly.

Is there anybody here with interest in helping me fix this issue? I'm guessing it's something with the [divs] in the Forumhome or forumcell template, but I don't want to screw it up.

Thanks in advance for any interest in helping :)
Hi thank you for responding. I'm actually at work and am on my 19" display. Basically the issue is [only] on the forum home where all my categories and forums are displayed. Everything else is perfectly fine. Where would I define the width? Forumhome template?

Thank you
chaotic_geo said:
You define the width of your forums in the header template or the Main CSS I think.

If you are on a 17" or smaller display, I can send you my forum addy to show you what I mean.
On this 2 plugins you installed, there should be some custom css and/or templates.
If there are none, then you'll have to edit the main style css:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Styles Manager > "All Style Options"
You don't need a smaller monitor to test, just restore your browser window to a window size of 800x600 and look.
If i were you i wouldn't post my forum URL, thats why screenshots are better, you can easily erase the addreesbar...
Galeras said:
On this 2 plugins you installed, there should be some custom css and/or templates.
If there are none, then you'll have to edit the main style css:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Styles Manager > "All Style Options"
You don't need a smaller monitor to test, just restore your browser window to a window size of 800x600 and look.
If i were you i wouldn't post my forum URL, thats why screenshots are better, you can easily erase the addreesbar...

Oh no, I wouldn't post my url. I just can't do screeny's here at work, because this is the display it works fine on. My display at home is 17" which the vertical scroll bar shows up on and forumhome doesn't fit properly. I'll just have to wait until I get home.