Looking For Free Form Script With Upload Capability!


Hi all,<br /><br />I am looking for suggestions for a form I can implement on a site I am revamping that would allow for the collection of a few fields of data and allow users to upload up to 3 files (high res images).<br /><br />Anyone know of such a beastie that's free?<br /><br />Thanks!<!--content-->
Give a check at Hotscripts.com<br /><br />I doubt you will find one exactly to suit your needs but you should be able to coble a couple together to get what you want.<br /><br />There is a program called PHP Form Wizard that may do what you want but it is not free.<!--content-->
If it is as simple as it sounds, let me know exactly what you need (be specific) and I <i>might</i> be able to whip one up for you. I'm out of school for the next few weeks. I cannot absolutely guarantee that I could do it, but I will give it a shot. Please don't be upset if I can't get to it or don't have the knowledge.<!--content-->
I recently played with multipart emails and file attachments for Lazarus. What you ask is relatively simple with the input/image checks being the hardest part of the code. The only problem I could foresee would be the size of the email sent with three high res images attached. I mean a high res image could be a megabyte if not more. That means you could have emails that are over 3MB. A few of these in your mail box could start to cause problems.<!--content-->
I was not aware that she was planning on emailing these images. Maybe it's not as simple as it sounds. I created a form for my own uses using PHP for uploading an image and it could be easily adapted for more images and form fields, I thought. It has multiple checks of mimetype and size for security purposes.<!--content-->
They don't. I haven't got the foggiest why I thought emailing was involved other than it had been a long day at work. Multipart emails are not that complicated to be honest. I might write a tutorial about them for my site. As you say a script that just uploads images is extremely simple to write and all the security check requires is grabbing the mime type from getimagesize.<!--content-->