Looking For Autoresponder Script


Hello;<br />I am searching to find a good autoresponder script for my web site,<br />there are tons of them around, and I am not sure which one I should try, some of them are too expesive.<br />I am in a tight budget, <br /><br />this is what i want to have:<br /><br />1- have a form in my site, be able to make at least two field in the form, (name and email).<br /><br />2- double opt in option<br /><br />3- be able to have a schedule option for sending out newsletter, for example upon signing to my list after the confirmation, the first newsletter goes out then 3 days later the next one and 2 days later the 3rd one, and so on.. you know you should be able to adjust the timing.<br />and also be able to send scheduled newsletter to your imported list/s.<br /><br />4- be able to personilize the email using variable.<br /><br />5- be able to import mailing list into it.<br /><br />6- secure of course, in terms of virus attatck, spam or etc...<br /><br />your help is appreciated.<br /><br />Thanks.<!--content-->
I'd start by checking out hotscripts.com<!--content-->
I'd second Bruce's suggestion. Personally, if it is MY site, I'm under the mindset of "open source". If I'm designing for a client, I'll look at both pay and open source software. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as people for and against. So check each one out and do your homework/research. After all, that's the fun part about designing...seeing what works and what don't! (For me anyway!)<!--content-->