Looking for an opinion...


New Member
Hello all, hope everyone is doing well. I am just looking for a little advice. I am still new to the seo world and will be the first to admit it. I have just set up a little blog that I will be working with and would like a little advice on the post I wrote today. The post in now way was supposed to be a grand masterpiece, just a way to practice using anchor text in a the correct way, and get used to posting in a blog.


Please be gentle, but be honest with the things that I should change.

Thanks In Advance Hi n_touch,

A couple of things I noticed. You had 4+ anchored links going to the same address, Google will only follow the first link going to a URL in the code and ignore the rest that are going to the same identical url.

Another point is to try to link to 1 or 2 other, highly authoritative sites in your niche using your keywords in the anchor. Google gives more weight to your keywords this way, you can kind of think of it as telling Google 'Please rank me for these keywords'.

Personally I always like to