Looking for an HTML drawing program


I am trying to draw a map of a local shopping mall, complete with clickable links. When the user clicks on a link on the map, he or she gets redirected to a page for that store's link. Simple, yes?<br />
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Does anyone know of such a drawing tool? I have Paint Shop Pro, but it can't handle this kind of thing. And I've looked in vain for a program that can do this, without costing 1000's of dollars and taking 400 years to learn :-)<br />
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Thanks in advance.<!--content-->but I think what you need to do is create a map and slice it up for different urls.<br />
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I am pretty sure that someone will jump in here and help you.<br />
Meantime try a forum search on slicing images, that may give you an idea which way to proceed.<br />
Hope this helps. <br />
:rocker:<br />
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Here--this may be what you are looking for. <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11013&highlight=slicing+images">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... ing+images</a><!-- m --><!--content-->The image can be "sliced"<br />
Why slicing?<br />
The Download <!--more-->time of a big image is longer as the same image divided in<br />
parts.<br />
But slicing is useful whem you have a nice image as layout.<br />
When you slice this image you can use some parts of it as link.<br />
And this clickable image can be changed using the rollover javascript<br />
function. Or a part can be used in a top or left frame.<br />
Tool:<br />
iMaker -680 k- is an image splitting tool.<br />
If you have a single large interface image you can<br />
use iMaker to split the image up into a usable interface.<br />
It even generates the HTML code which should<br />
be used to "redraw" the interface in it's complete state.<br />
Current iMaker features include:<br />
Generation of JPEG or GIF output files<br />
Generation of HTML table to redraw the complete interface<br />
Opens JPG, GIF or BMP interface files<br />
Interface split up can be stored for later reuse<br />
Includes 3 samples<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://lad.co.za/greenmojo/imaker.html">http://lad.co.za/greenmojo/imaker.html</a><!-- m --><br />
And this:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="SLICERhttp://www.thecastle.com/">SLICERhttp://www.thecastle.com/</a><!-- m --><br />
========<br />
Or imagemap see attachment....<!--content-->In the attachment the image you need.....<br />
Don this way:<br />
ImageMap<br />
Using irfanview<br />
Open your image in Irfanview Freeware: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.irfanview.com">http://www.irfanview.com</a><!-- m --><br />
Draw a rectangle with the mouse<br />
Then: Text, select Font and Color etc<br />
Create more links.<br />
Save.<br />
Now see where the links are: using irfanview.<br />
Put the cursor left top of the link, click.<br />
At the top you see the XY<br />
Write down this coordinate: 8,43<br />
Put the cursor down right of the link, click.<br />
At the top you see the XY<br />
Write down this coordinate: 54,60<br />
This part is the link: 8,43,54,60<br />
Do this for all the links.<br />
Create the html code for the ImMap<br />
Attention: first the coordinates, then the image<br />
Thats all.<!--content-->