Looking for a site


Staff member

I am looking for a site that i beleve is called Freebie VB and i don't know the address i was given it once at college when i don IT Practisoning couse i was wondering if anyone in here could help me. i don't want onlin tutorials.

I want a free home course in Visual Basic. I know this isn't exactly visual basic but i thorght that .NET wast part of visual basic and that you may know

But if you find one that does the sam thing but and is avalibe to UK residents then let me know?

It would be helpfull if it had a trial copy of visual basic!

Thank You

Daniel Coates
Hopeing for help!!!! :-)Just an update.

i have found the site. "verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long search"

Just to let every one else know. the cource is by "WynSysGlobal" and is Called FreeBie Vb and can be found at WinSysGlobal.com (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.winsysglobal.com">http://www.winsysglobal.com</a><!-- m -->)