Looking for a particular script


New Member
Hello all. I am looking for a JavaScript that will allow a visitor to "paste or upload" a background image from their hard drive into a layer on my web page.

I've gotten as far as determining that to "upload" a graphic from one's hard drive into a web page involves:

<INPUT NAME="fileUp" TYPE="file" SIZE=12 onClick="SomeFunction()">

But I'm stuck after that!! Has anyone used such a script or can point me in the direction of where to find one on the web? Something I can perhaps modify to suit my purpose? Any and all assistance is appreciated.


PS: There is a similar script at JavaScript Source however the "browse..." and upload function do not work.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://javascript.internet.com/miscellaneous/color-cube.html">http://javascript.internet.com/miscella ... -cube.html</a><!-- m -->
And the author's web site (as mentioned in the credit) has gone 404.