Looking for a kickass script or effect


:eek: I'm have created our company's website but there is one spot on the front page that is blank, and I need to add something in there. If anyone has an awesome script or eye-catching effect that I can put on there please send it to me and I will put your name and site for reference of the script. Hopefully it will be something that can utilize HTML or some pictures that I already have to add. Thanks!!<!--content-->Without seeing the site, it's very hard to tell you what will look nice there, but Flash MX (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/">http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/</a><!-- m -->) is always a good bet for creating very asthetically pleasing content.<!--content-->Pretty much anything that I can use that can integrate pictures into it. IE- displaying items on sale or clearances, in some eye catching appearance. For example. I saw a script that faded one picture into another one as it was coming forward.:p<!--content-->Originally posted by Death_Incarnate <br />
If anyone has an awesome script or eye-catching effect that I can put on there please send it to me<br />
More often than not, the "eye catching" effects are big distractions. Look at any good site that you visit again and again. You'll notice that the key to their success (among other equally important things) is subtelty in presentation.<br />
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Flashing text/images, marquees, animations etc are usually bad distractions. They can be useful in a very few cases (when tastefully done by design experts, not HTML/CSS experts :)).<br />
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Of course without looking at the site its hard to tell what will be a good effect for that place holder.<!--content-->I would go for functionality before tacky affects. If your site does not work properly by w3 standards or does not fair well at other resolutions or on other browsers focus on that before you bust out the page fades and other effects...<!--content-->Needless to say optimized for search engines as well:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alistapart.com/stories/seo/">http://www.alistapart.com/stories/seo/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->To both replies: the page is complient with just about everything, and as far as tackiness, no I don't want that. I just have an approximate 5x5 spot on the top right side of my page that I want to add some pictures to, but you are right, in a subtle way. I was looking for an "awesome, or kick-ass" script that would allow me to do something with the pictures. I didn't mean it had to be extravagant with flashing lights and neon signs.<!--content-->could you post your url so I can look at your site.<!--content-->Unfortunately no, I haven't uploaded the files yet, only tried them out on various systems on our network<!--content-->well what kind of affect are you looking for, these are images right, maybe a rollover or something?<!--content-->ah. I kind of know how to use a rollover, I was thinking something along the lines of having the picture act in a way where after a given amount of time, another picture slowly fades in or fades out and takes the place of the previous picture... Or ripples in and ripples out<!--content-->I used to use an affect like that but it was ie only and it caused the w3 validator to just go insane. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com">www.dynamicdrive.com</a><!-- w --> has a lot of image affects like that but I caution you that some of them are just ie's voodoo code that is not valid by w3 standards, but it should not cause huge problems on any major browsers. Keep in mind that it is a free script site and that the code could have bugs in it or not work all together that tends to happen sometimes.<!--content-->