Login works local, but not once I try it on server

Ok, this is probably easy, I just don't know much about ASP.net.

I created a new site on a file share. I created a Provider on SQL 2000 and use that for my Membership and Role storage.

I built a login app, added users and roles, and can do an F5 on my machine and log into my site, no problem.

I copied all of the files to my webserver and tried to run the login. The page loaded fine, but when I put in the username and password, it comes back and says "Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again." I know I'm using the right credentials, because it works if I run it on my localhost.

Why is it not authenticating me? I have the SQL server credentials mapped in the web.config file, so I'm not sure if there are some settings on the IIS server I'm missing or not. I allowed Anonymous access on the site in IIS, otherwise I haven't done much changing there.

Any ideas? Thanks!
