login page can't reference other files without being logged in


New Member
I have a very strange problem. (fyi - I'm using forms authentication and manually creating a non persistant auth. ticket/cookie.) My login page has images and CSS applied to it. When I run my site locally (start without debugging), it brings up my login page, but none of my images are displaying and my css isn't linking. I'm referencing correctly, I promise.

However, when I view this page in VS's Design view, it shows the images and CSS. Also, if I run it and log in, and click the back button, everything shows up (images/css)! But if I logout (which redirects me to the login page), my images/css isn't there! Its as if the page can't reference its own resources unless the user is logged in. WTH. I'm only having this problem on my local VS server; it seems to work fine when I put it on the live server (woot). Anyone know why this is happening?

Here is a portion of my login page that is requesting the image/css:\[code\]...<head runat="server"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4928716/styles/BodyLayout.css" /> <title>Optoma USA - Login</title></head><body><center> <div style="text-align:left; width:990px; height:780px; background-color:White;"> <div id="divBody"> <form id="form1" runat="server" target="_self"> <center> <div style="height:100px; width:600px; text-align:center;"> <img src="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4928716/images/Optoma_Logo.gif" alt="Unable to display image." /> </div> </center>...\[/code\]also, here is my authorization code in web.config:\[code\]<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/index.aspx" name="adAuthCookie" path="/"> </forms> </authentication> <!--<authorization>:--> <authorization> <!-- <deny>: will deny all users and redirect to login page, unless they are properly authenticated--> <deny users="?"/> <!--<allow>: might be configured later. probably will not need--> <allow users="*"/> </authorization>\[/code\]