Logging in and out of secure page


Hi all,<br />
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Can anyone see a way around this problem.<br />
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I have a site which uses a membership area. Users login with USERNAME and PASSWORD. Once they are logged in they can purchase goods on-line. <br />
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If a user clicks on an item they want to buy they are redirected to a ClickBank account, they make the purchase and are then redirected to a thankyou page.<br />
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Because they are coming back to the members area the webserver is asking for LOGINANME and PASSWORD again, which I think is correct.<br />
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Question is how can I set it up so that the user does not have to enter the login information to get back to the members area.<br />
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Can anyone advise please.<br />
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Keep safe and well<br />
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Regards<br />
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Dereck<!--content-->youcan use either some sort of session object to rememebr if a user has logged in for a certain period of time or coockies.<br />
that way you won't have to ask them for login over and over.<!--content-->Sorry to be a pain Khalid Ali <br />
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Can you suggest where I can find a script that would do this for me. I would like to use sessions if possible.<br />
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I am new to this PHP business but learning fast.<br />
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Thanks for your help<br />
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Keep safe and well<br />
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Regards<br />
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