Logger Object - Variable Scope - access to Class/Function/etc


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So I want to find the best method of allowing my Logger class to access any part of the script either another class/function/etc... How would I do this? How do I make it global.Could I do something like this: \[code\]Logger::info('Add message like this?');\[/code\]Calling script: calling.php\[code\]require_once('Logger.class.php'); // Just adding the class initializes the Logger Objectrequire_once('Another.class.php');require_once('Functions.php');$logEntry->info("Log info");$logEntry->error("Log error");$logEntry->warning("Log warning");$logEntry->notice("Log notice");$logEntry->enableDebug(); // prints debug to log$logEntry->debug("Log debug enabled");$logEntry->disableDebug();$logEntry->debug("Log debug disabled"); // will not print to log$another_obj = new Another(); // want the Logger to have access inside this classMore(); // want the Logger to have access inside this function\[/code\]Another.class.php\[code\]class Another { private $var; // I want to add the Logger here $logEntry->info("Another Log"); // More code here it's just an example ...}\[/code\]Functions.php\[code\]function More() { // I want to add the Logger here $logEntry->info("More Log");}\[/code\]Here is the Logger.class.php script\[code\]<?php //Define Constantsdefine("LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY", "/var/www/logs");ini_set("memory_limit","128M"); // Logger class is taking up memoryclass Logger { private $log_file_directory = LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY; private $first_run; // Flag to add line break at the beginning of script execution private $calling_script; // Base name of the calling script private $log_file; // log file path and name private $log_entry; // information to be logged private $log_level; // Log severity levels: error, warning, notice, debug, info private $fh; // File handle private $file_name; // File path and name private $file_parts; // Array of $file_name private $script_name; // Script Name private $script_parts; // Array of $script_name private $line_number_arr; // Line number of where the logging event occurred private $debug_flag; // Set to true if you want to log your debug logger function __construct() { $this->first_run = true; $this->debug_flag = false; $this->calling_script = ''; $this->log_file = ''; $this->log_entry = ''; $this->log_level = ''; $this->fh = ''; $this->file_name = ''; $this->file_parts = ''; $this->script_name = ''; $this->script_parts = ''; $this->line_number_arr = ''; } /** * @enableDebug */ public function enableDebug() { $this->debug_flag = true; } /** * @disbaleDebug */ public function disableDebug() { $this->debug_flag = false; } /** * @info */ public function info($message) { $this->log_level = 'info'; $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace(); $this->addEntry($message); } /** * @error */ public function error($message) { $this->log_level = 'error'; $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace(); $this->addEntry($message); } /** * @warning */ public function warning($message) { $this->log_level = 'warning'; $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace(); $this->addEntry($message); } /** * @notice */ public function notice($message) { $this->log_level = 'notice'; $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace(); $this->addEntry($message); } /** * @debug * must add the below to the script you wish to debug * define("DEBUG", true); // true enables, false disables */ public function debug($message) { if($this->debug_flag) { $this->log_level = 'debug'; $this->line_number_arr = debug_backtrace(); $this->addEntry($message); } } private function addEntry($message) { $this->calling_script = $this->getScriptBaseName(); $this->log_file = $this->log_file_directory."/".$this->calling_script.".log"; $this->fh = fopen($this->log_file, 'a') or die("Can't open log file: ".$this->log_file); if($this->first_run) { $this->log_entry = "\n[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime()) . "][line:".$this->line_number_arr[0]['line']."|".$this->log_level."]:\t".$message."\n"; } else { $this->log_entry = "[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime()) . "][line:".$this->line_number_arr[0]['line']."|".$this->log_level."]:\t".$message."\n"; } fwrite($this->fh, $this->log_entry); fclose($this->fh); $this->first_run = false; } /** * return the base name of the calling script */ private function getScriptBaseName() { $this->file_name = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $this->file_parts = explode('/', $this->file_name); $this->script_name = $this->file_parts[count($this->file_parts) - 1]; $this->script_parts = explode('.', $this->script_name); // If file doesn't exists don't add line break if(!file_exists($this->script_parts[0].".log")) { $this->first_run = false; } return $this->script_parts[0]; }}// Start log instance $logEntry = new Logger();?>\[/code\]