Log Parser 2.2 - Possible to LOOP?


New Member
I am attempting to make use of Microsoft's Log Parser 2.2. I am pointing my Log Parser at an XML file. I would like to obtain certain information from the XML file and then reuse this information within the query. I have created some pseudo code below:\[code\]GET UNIQUE *WINDOW_NAMES* FOR EACH *WINDOW_NAME*{ GET WINDOW_ATTRIBUTE_ONE; GET WINDOW_ATTRIBUTE_TWO;}\[/code\]Would this be possible with Log Parser 2.2?An extract of the XML document: \[code\]<windows> <window> <name> Window One </name> <visible> Visible </visible> <stayontop> True </stayontop> </window> <window> <name> Window Two </name> <visible> Visible </visible> <stayontop> False </stayontop> </window> <window> <name> Window Three </name> <visible> Invisible </visible> <stayontop> True </stayontop> </window></windows>\[/code\]