Locking & Deleting Parts Of My Bulletin Board


Staff member
Hello.<br /><br />I have a PHP bulletin board on my web site, and would like a little bit of assistance with it, please.<br /><br />There is a topic in one particular forum that I'd like to delete, or lock. I know how to delete individual posts, but I've scoured the admin. panel for a LOCK feature or a DELETE TOPIC feature. I can't find one.<br /><br />Can someone please tell me how to lock a topic, or delete it? Is this possible in the admin. panel? <br /><br />Thank you very much! J. Danniel<br /><br />(Please call me Jd.)<!--content-->
To delete a forum select Management in the Admin control panel. Your forums will be listed and there is a column labeled "Delete" click the link to delete a particular forum.<br /><br />To lock a forum select Permissions in the Admin control panel. Select the forum from the dropdown list. Set appropriate permissions to hide or disallow posts to that forum. Or select Edit from the above screen and uncheck the Enabled box.<!--content-->
Hi Bruce.<br /><br />I'm probably using the wrong terminology. I don't want to delete a forum--I want to delete a <b>topic within a forum.</b><br /><br />But it's okay, because shortly after posting that message, I found what I needed.<br /><br /><br />When you click open a forum, and then click open a topic, at the bottom of the thread are four icons at the bottom left.<br /><br />They are:<br /><br />Delete<br />Move<br />Lock<br />Split<br /><br />That's what I was looking for. I hope I used the right terminology...I do appreciate the reply. Thanks again!<br /><br />Jd<!--content-->
No problem, glad you figured it out.<br /><br />Actually you used the right terminology "DELETE TOPIC" and I got it wrong. Sorry for leading you on a wild goose chase. <img src="http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->