Lock web pages


In the web/graphic design business the client sometimes wants to see the progress of the page, which is great. The problem is, if the product is on the web server they can, with a little thought, rip the code and bye bye customer. Yes this happens! Is there any way to lock the screen with a script so you cannot right click? I haven't found much of anything that you can't rip the code from so I am out of ideas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!<!--content-->there are a number of no-right-click scripts out there, although users can get around them if they know what to do, so if you use one, make sure it's also a no leftright click script.<br />
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however, they can always view source from the toolbar (i've seen a site that grayed out this option, so i know there's a script for that as well). but even worse, to view the site at all, they have to have Download <!--more-->ed it already into the browser's cache. and even if they don't realise that, they will always be able to save it manually from the toolbar. so consider everything they see to be potentially stolen already.<br />
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best thing in the world that you can do is put a copyright notice, and a link to a full legal disclaimer, on every page on all your sites, prototype or live. you can get sample documents from c|net (@ builder.com) (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://builder.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-3885-8-4500031-1.html?tag=st.bl.7650.ref_r.3885-8-4500031">http://builder.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-3 ... -8-4500031</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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lastly, this MIGHT have been more appropriate to the legal issues forum. no sweat, a mod MIGHT move it later, if i'm even in the neighborhood about that in the first place.<!--content-->Thanks! Yeah I have put the copyright on all the pages. Sorry for the mispost in the wrong forum. Guess I was thinking script not legal. Mods please move if needed. Thanks again for the quick help!<!--content-->there is no script that will stop even the novice web user. you cannot even grey out the view->source option unless it is a image or flash.<br />
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just don't make the page complete but show half or something.<!--content-->Now there is a thought! Thanks! I get so caught up in completing the darn thing. Yeah.....thanks!!!!<!--content-->actually, scoutt... i really did see a site that had the view > source option grayed out, and it was not an image or flash or anything. in fact, i've seen it twice now, just not in the last year. unfortunately, i only remember that one was a really neat site that may or may not have been a serious attempt at presenting a Cthulhu cult. (!!!)<!--content-->Never heard of that before Mr Transmortha, good if you could find it again.<br />
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You can open a new window with JavaScript and customise it to have no view button, which is very easy to do. Then you can put in the no right click code.<br />
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Of course with people like me, I just then go into my temp folder and open the page normaly and have a look for what I want!! :D <br />
</edit><!--content-->Trans, you may have saw it but affraid to say that your IE needed to be restarted or you computer. every once in a blue moon IE will bug out and the source will be grey out, all you have to do is restart and it is back. trust me, I have been there.<br />
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I have read many many mnay conversations about this same question as how to disable source, and there is no way.<br />
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if you produce the site that has it and I can't read the source from the toolbar, then I will come over to your house and ..... well never mind, we'll just give you a 1000 points because points don't really matter :P<!--content-->crazy cat,<br />
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my suggestion is to display the screens to the client in screen captures. This way they get to see the whole thing, but cannot get to the code.<br />
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If they want a 'hands on' demo, offer to do it in front of them, on your laptop or something. This way there is no opportunity for them to get the code. <br />
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But, the real problem is that you'd get customers who would rather take unfinished code than let you finish and charge them. Those kind of customers will do much more than that to try to get a 'free lunch'.<!--content-->