Lock to bottom?


Hey guys, I have a question. How can I lock a table to the bottom of my page? I have a table at the top for my header and then I have a table for the contents and then I have a table for the footer. On some of my pages I don't have alot of content so on bigger resolutions the footer isn't at the bottom like it should be so it looks weird. I think it would be possible but I don't know how. You can see my pages here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://mjdimick.zacknetwork.net">http://mjdimick.zacknetwork.net</a><!-- m -->). If you go to a bigger resolution and go to one of the pages with not that much on them you will see what I'm talking about. I would greatly appreciate the help with this. :D<!--content-->You might find this ALA article (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.alistapart.com/articles/footers/">http://www.alistapart.com/articles/footers/</a><!-- m -->) a good read. ;)<!--content-->Thanks, that is exactally what I wanted. :D<!--content-->Originally posted by mjdimick <br />
Thanks, that is exactally what I wanted. :D <br />
You're welcome. :D That ALA place is great - awesome articles there. ;)<!--content-->